


      涞源县挑栈客栈是吃、住、行、为一体的综合型农家院,挑栈客栈农 家院内部设施包括:室内餐厅,室外餐厅,自助烧烤,篝火,烟花,停车场;(住宿):挑栈客栈标准间的内部设施包括:独立卫生间,24小时热水,卫星电视, 无线网络(WIFI);房间的类型包括:三人间,二人间,可容纳40人同时食宿。


       Laiyuan TiaoZhan inn is one comprehensive farm house. It has various facilities, including indoor restaurant, outdoor restaurant, BBQ, bonfire, fireworks, parking lot. Tiao Zhan inn internal standard room facilities include: private bathroom, 24 hours hot water, satellite TV, wireless internet(WIFI)。 It has two-persons rooms and three-persons rooms, which can accommodate 40 people at the some time.
      Location: Tiao Zhan inn is located at Cha Jian Ling vallage. It is in the central area of Bai shi shan scenic spots, Shi pu xia scenic spots, Kong zhong cao yuan scenic spots, and Xian ren yu scenic spots. It is located two kilometers from Bai shi shan scenic spots and 1.5 kilometers from Shi pu xia scenic spots. It is quite convenient  for tourist to go to scenic spots from Tiao Zhan inn.

    友情链接: 百度
    电话:15930431973    地址:河北省保定市涞源县白石山插箭岭村
    版权所有:涞源县挑栈客栈     技术支持:盘古网络【盘古建站】    ICP备案编号:冀ICP备19016317号-1

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